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Yacon 'Inka Red' (Gourmet Roots)Smallanthus sonchifoliusPeruvian Ground Apple, Bolivian Sunroot

6 Jumbo Plug Plants


Beds and Borders
80% (5 Reviews)
  • Offers tubers with a delightful pear-like crunch!
  • South American vegetable with a twist
  • A great ingredient for both stir-fries and salads
Despatch By The End Of May 2025
Garden Club Members Price: £13.49 JOIN TODAY

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Harvesting Period
Planting Out Period
Harvesting Period
Planting Out Period
‘Inca Red’ is a distinct but very flavoursome tubersome vegetable that is not a household name in the UK, but is very widely grown in South America, for its crunch and pear-like, sweet taste that lends itself well to that region’s culinary cuisine. Not too dissimilar to a potato, but with a texture like water chestnuts, add to stir fries, salads or roast with other root veg like parsnips and potatoes. Its juice can even be simmered to make a syrup not too far off honey or maple, while its natural indigestible sugar contents called Inulin make it suitable for diabetics, remaining pretty much calory free along the way. Grows with a bushy habit, with gorgeous looking harvests while its big luscious leaves will bring an Amazonian feel to vegetable beds or even plant borders. Height: 1.8m (6'). Spread: 100cm (39").

Growing Information

Grow plugs on in cool but frost-free conditions and plant out when all danger of frost has passed.

Plant outside in late May allowing 90cm (36”) between each plant. Cut the leaves back to about 4 inches above the crowns and lift whole plant with a fork. Separate the crowns from the tubers. The crowns are frost tender – pot up and grow on in a frost-free place to plant early next year. Brush the soil off tubers and leave in sun to dry for up to two weeks.

Harvesting Period
Planting Out Period
Order Despatch

Orders are despatched promptly by post or parcel carrier. Seasonal items such as plants are sent separately with the estimated delivery times stated against each variety both in our catalogue and on our website.

Please note that when several items are ordered they may not all be delivered at the same time.

Delivery Charge

Standard Charge

Packet seed only will incur a carriage charge of £2.99.

All other products incur a carriage charge of £6.99.

If your order comprises of a combination of carriage charges then a combined carriage charge of £7.99 will be applied.

Live Plants

Suttons strives to ensure that all its plants are delivered to you in the perfect condition for planting. While the majority of our nursery plants cope well with slight delays in intransit, sadly, the time it takes to deliver to certain locations in the UK means that we can't guarantee this for some of our smaller plug products and tender bedding and vegetable lines, which do not respond well to the extra journey time. So regretfully while we offer the majority of our live plant offering nationwide, we are unable to ship plugs, begging plants and tender vegetable plants to the following areas: HS, IV41-IV49, IV51, IV55-56, KW15-KW17, PA34, PA41-48, PA60-PA78, PA80, PH40-PH44, TR21-TR24, ZE1-ZE3.

Non Standard Deliveries

Unfortunately like many companies in our industry we are currently only able to supply orders to UK based customers, excluding those in Northern Ireland. We are committed to finding a way that we can resume or normal services again as soon as possible. Please accept our apologies for any inconvience caused.

Prices include VAT where applicable.

We reserve the right to contact you and advise an additional charge where necessary and are happy to quote for carriage of specific products to more remote areas. Some items may not be available to all areas.

We reserve the right to revise any carriage charges in the event of carrier price increase or other unforeseen circumstances. We will always advise of the carriage charge before payment is taken.

All Suttons products should reach you in perfect condition, just as they left us. If you are dissatisfied in any way with their condition on arrival, please let us know within 14 days. We are only liable for the cost of the goods as quoted on the website plus the cost of delivery if the goods are faulty.

Unlike many companies, we publish all of our reviews - good or bad - to give you, the customer, total transparency and peace of mind.

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