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Flowers To Sow In May

Wondering which flowers to sow in May? Now the soil is warming up, it’s the perfect time for sowing seeds such as primrose, cornflowers, calendula and sweet William direct into the ground. Sow nasturtium seeds by simply pushing them into damp compost. Browse our May flower seeds below.

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Flowers to sow in May include late sowings of hardy annuals to provide later blooms to enjoy. Provided the risk of late frosts have passed, tender summer bedding plants can be planted outdoors towards the end of the month, but if weather conditions are still wet and cold delay planting until early June. As the flowers on pansies wither, remember to deadhead them to encourage further flowering. It is also a good idea to start weekly liquid feeds and to re-pot any plants showing signs of becoming root-bound.

Head to our blog for more May gardening advice.