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Iris Bulbs

Iris bulbs are easy to grow, add elegance to your garden and offer stunning cut flowers. Whether you want tall perennial irises to peep through the herbaceous border in summer or delicate spring miniatures for the alpine garden, we’ve got plenty of choice for you here. For the best value flowering bulbs, choose our re-blooming iris varieties for colourful flowers in spring / early summer and again in autumn.

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Best iris bulbs

Irises make excellent cut flowers and are spectacular in the border and in pots on the patio. They’re a very versatile flower bulb. In Greek mythology, Iris was the goddess of the rainbow and this is certainly appropriate given the range of colours available when growing these aristocratic blooms. Here we answer some frequently asked questions to help you narrow down which iris is best in your patch.

Which iris bulbs are best in shade?

The dwarf iris reticulata and iris histrioides are the best choices for shady gardens. However, they’re better grown in partial shade than in full, deep shade. Most other iris varieties, like the bearded irises and the popular Dutch irises, do best in full sun and like to be in very well drained soil.

Which iris flowers in winter?

Iris 'Eyecatcher' is a low-growing dwarf iris that reaches a height of 20cm when it flowers in January and February. The dark blue speckles and blue and bright yellow stripes make this an eye-catching option for the late winter garden. Pair with iris reticulata 'Purple Hill' to add a splash of deep purple in mid-winter.

Which iris bulbs have the biggest flower?

Bearded irises have very large, showy flowers on long strong stems. The flowers have little beard-like hairs on the underside of their lower petals. You can expect to see two or three flowers per stem from these beauties.

Iris germanica is a great place to start with bearded irises. There are plenty of lovely cultivars to choose from including the peach and purple petalled Iris 'Rose de Perse' and the zinging lemon yellow 'Buckwheat'.

What is the native iris?

Iris pseudacorus (yellow flag iris) is a native variety to the UK. Plant these beautiful yellow iris bulbs in damp soil with plenty of mulch. Alternatively, treat the native iris like a marginal aquatic, which is its preferred natural habitat, and surround a nature pond with the bulbs. Enjoy the ornamental seed heads in autumn.