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Flowers To Sow In December

Wondering which flowers to Sow in December? Even in the depths of winter sowings can be made of begonia, coleus, cyclamen and geranium provided suitable temperatures can be maintained. You can also sow cactus and other houseplant seeds this month. Browse our December flower seeds below.

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When sowing flower seeds in December it is important to maintain a suitable temperature. Take a look at our propagators and propagation equipment to get the most from your seeds. During December, bare-rooted rose bushes can be planted. Taller growing bush roses can be pruned down by about half, which will prevent the wind from causing them to sway, damaging the roots. The branches of standard roses should also be shortened. Flower bulbs that have been potted up and placed in forcing frames should be watered if the compost is dry. Only when their shoots are 5cm (2?) high can they be brought out into light, cool conditions. Head to our blog for moreDecember gardening advice.