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Nigella Plant Seeds

Nigella or Love-in-a-mist flowers are a favourite of the hardy annual border and it’s stunning velvety pastel flowers are backed with unique feathery foliage that really makes the flowers stand out. Nigella flowers dotted through beds or borders or grown in drifts look amazing. Check out Suttons' full range of flower seeds to fill your garden with amazing blooms.

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Why Grow Nigella Seeds?

As well as producing beautiful flowers throughout the summer months, Love in a Mist is also popular as dried flowers and even its attractive seed pods are used in vases, mixed with cut flower. Suttons have some stunning varieties of Nigella with ‘Ebony and Ivory’ being a great example with its white and purple flowers. ‘Black pod’ is something a little bit different with white flowers, deep purple and black pods. ‘Miss Jekyll’ with its straw-like light blue flowers warrants a mention.

Growing Nigella Plants From Seed

Nigella is a hardy annual, which means you can sow it straight outdoors where it is to grow from March to April flowering July to end of August. Alternatively, the seeds can be sown in September to bloom between May and June the following year.

Nigella Seed Germination

Nigella seeds normally germinate within 14 to 30 days. As the seedlings develop thin them in stages to achieve the final spacing of 20cm apart. Any spare plant use to fill spaces but be careful not to disturb the young plants.

Nigella is a cottage garden favourite and is really worth the effort to grow. Good for a diverse mixed planting, filling gaps or planted together in numbers for dramatic effect. Clip off pods for the flower vase tying with twine and hanging upside down to dry in a shed or cupboard to dry.