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Flowers To Sow In April

Wondering which flower seeds to sow in April? It’s time to sow half-hardy flowers including nemesia, rudbeckia, Cosmos and French marigold under cover and hardy annuals such as oxalis and clarkia can be sown either indoors or outdoors. Browse our April flower seeds below. 

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Flowers to sow in April, directly in their final flowering position, include sweet peas. April is also the time to plant out your autumn-sown sweet pea seedlings. 

Depending on the variety, hardy annuals can be sown either indoors or outdoors, following the instructions on the packet. Half-hardy flowers can be sown in trays and kept on a windowsill or in the greenhouse. Browse through our range and pick your favourites! 

Take a look at our propagators and propagation equipment to get the most from your seeds.

Head to our blog for more April gardening advice.