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Ipomoea Seeds

Ipomoea flower seeds produce a humble little climber that will take you to the Mediterranean and make you feel like your garden is a holiday destination, or remind you of sunny vacations of the past. It climbs freely on fences, trellis or a bamboo wigwam. Will tirelessly flower from mid-summer to the first frost.

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Why Grow Ipomoea (Morning Glory) From Seeds?

The Ipomoea or Morning Glory as it’s otherwise known will transform a dull garage wall or rickety fence and will take no time to cover to it. This fast-growing climber will thrive in a sunny position. Suttons have a great choice of Morning Glory seeds with varied colours, offering something a little bit different. ‘Heavenly blue’ is a good description of this light blue flower. For something totally different the ‘Crimson Rambler’. For more of a mix ‘Inkspots’ gives a range of purples, pinks and whites.

How To Grow Ipomoea From Seed?

As a half-hardy annual, growing morning glory from seed indoors before May is a must. They need to be sown between February and April under glass in a gentle heat, or straight outdoors during May for flowering through July to September.

Have some fun with your morning glories flower, train them on a wigwam of canes in cottage garden border or try cascading them from a hanging basket

The good news about Ipomoea is that it takes poor soils, so if you have stony ground near walls it will happily grow away it will also take dry conditions. It is great for pollinators like Butterflies and that alone warrants a go at sowing this plant.

Ipomoea seed Germination

Ipomoea seeds should germinate within 5 to 20 days. Once the seedlings emerge grow on in a warm frost free place. The Ipomoea plants need to be acclimatised to outside condition before planting out up against a sunny wall or shed.