Begonia tubers are one of the most popular summer flowering bulbs, loved for their bold often brash flowers and colour. Tuberous begonias are available here in a wide array of shades from yellow to red and white. The large begonia flowers are ideal for pot or hanging basket plants which, with protection, will return year after year. Shopping beyond begonias? Choose from this wide variety of flower bulbs, corms and tubers for sale.
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Begonia plants originate from tropical and sub-tropical climates and fall into different categories: the fibrous-rooted small bedding types, the house plants with rhizomatous roots grown for their foliage, and the dashing tuberous types which can't fail to impress in containers and borders.
Prized for their summer displays, one of their main benefits is that they will happily perform in shade. Flowers of the tuberous begonias are often huge, the male and female blooms are born on the same plant with the males putting on the greatest show.
'Parisienne Trailing' is perfect for a hanging basket and offers gorgeous ruffled blooms in a variety of shades which will tumble tantalisingly above your heads from July to October.
For flowers as large as dinner plates - especially fun for youngsters - Suttons has a 'Prima Donna' range, definitely begonia tubers who adore the spotlight. Whether in orange or yellow or a mixture of both colours in the stunning 'Sunburst', you are guaranteed to be impressed.
The begonia tubers should be started into growth at a temperature of 15º-18ºC (60º-65ºF) during March or April. Plant the tubers hollow side uppermost in trays of compost. Where only a small number of tubers are involved, they can be started in individual pots.
Care must be taken to ensure that the crown of the tuber is not covered and water should be given sparingly until growth has commenced.
When the tubers have rooted and there are shoots about 2.5cm (1") long, transfer them individually into 10-13cm (4"-5") pots. It is advisable to disbud until the plants are strong enough to carry the large blooms. When the plants have reached the flowering stage they will benefit from weekly applications of a Begonia Liquid Feed. Larger flowers will be produced if the small female buds which form either side of the central male flower are removed.
Plant outdoors in the border or in containers towards the end of May or early June once the danger of frost has passed. Begonias prefer a cool position and need shelter from strong winds. Water during dry periods and occasionally feed the plants.
In early October as the foliage starts to yellow, gradually withhold water and lift the plants before the first frosts. Remove the dead foliage and store the tubers in dry soil or sand in a cool, frost-free place.
Read our expert guides for tips on how to grow begonia tubers and other flowering bulbs. Looking for more established plants? Browse our begonia plants collection.