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Dahlia Seeds

Dahlia seeds grow into incredible symmetrical flowers in a range of bright stunning colours. The petal arrangements are breathtaking, and it’s hard to look away from a Dahlia once you inspect it closely. Every garden, cottage style, container, herbaceous border, should have a Dahlia an essential garden plant. View the full Suttons' flower seeds range for more garden inspiration.

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Why Grow Dahlia From Seeds?

Dahlias have such powerful presence in any garden that they can be a stand-alone plant with pride of place, or plant in large groups of mixed varieties in a range of colours, with a whole border to themselves. Growing from seed means your Dahlias will be adapted to local conditions and supply a good number of plants. 

Suttons give an excellent choice of Dahlia seed. ‘Disco Dancer, flowers profusely with bright, hot colours. Try ‘Red Torch’ for intense colour or ‘Redskin mixed’, who’s mixed bright flowers are stood out by its dark foliage colour. 

Growing Dahlias From Seed

Dahlias love a sunny border or spot if in a container. They are great for cut flowers, so snip them with decent sharp florist scissors or secateurs. Lift Dahlias in areas with hard winters.