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Fritillaria Bulbs

Fritillaria bulbs always attract attention with their exotic colours and nodding, bell-shaped blooms. Fritillaria meleagris are ideal for naturalising in lawns, fritillaria 'Orange Beauty' add drama to containers and fritillaria persica are a must-have for spring borders. Less widely grown than daffodils or tulips, but well worth investing in for a spring with a difference.

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Fritillaria bulbs FAQs

Fritillaries are lovely spring-flowering bulbs that are well worth planting in the garden. The native Fritillaria meleagris, or snakeshead fritillary has distinctive checkerboard patterned petals in blush pink and white and was once a common sight growing wild across damp meadows. Replicate this in your own garden by scattering and planting bulbs where they fall to naturalise into gorgeous drifts of purple.

For a much louder, showy display, Fritillaria persica reaches 75cm tall with dark purple, scented flower spikes with striking bright yellow stamens. Perfect for planting in a mixed border, this lovely bulb rises through ground cover to flower in March and April. Another showy fritillary is the Fritillaria imperialis, with miniature umbrella-like showers of brightly coloured flowers from a single central stem. These fritillaries add a touch of the exotic to any planting scheme or container display.

When to plant fritillaria?

Plant your fritillary bulbs in September or October. Make sure to avoid planting them in frozen ground or a spot that has the risk of being waterlogged during the winter months.

How to store fritillaria bulbs

Store your fritillary bulbs in a cool, dry space. Keep them away from direct sunlight and any sources of dry heat, like a radiator. If you’re planning on storing your own fritillaria bulbs after flowering has finished, make sure you leave them out for 24hrs after digging out of the ground so that they dry. Brush off excess soil and ensure they’ve dried out properly before putting them into bags to store until planting them again in September.

Where is the best place to plant Fritillaria?

As a general rule, plant your fritillaria bulbs away from waterlogged soil in a spot that sees plenty of sun. They like free-draining, fertile soil. If you want to add a touch of exotic colour to your mixed borders, plant your fritillary bulbs close to the edge where they can stand out in spring. They make fantastic container displays in spring so fill a few pots with fritillaria 'Orange Beauty' to provide colour on the patio in May and June.