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Gourmet Fruit Trees

Gourmet fruit trees are perfect if you have a limited space for growing fruit trees but still wish to enjoy a wide range of delicious varieties! Each of these self-fertile trees has had several outstanding varieties grafted onto a single stem, so you can enjoy picking them all from just one tree!

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Gourmet fruit trees are also known as “family trees” - trees which have several varieties grafted onto one trunk. Here at Suttons we have applied this technique to fruit trees, so we can offer gourmet fruit trees with several specially chosen varieties growing on the one tree.

How are Gourmet Fruit Trees Produced?

To produce a family tree, our nursery grows maiden trees for about 18 months and then selects those with the most suitable branch systems for grafting. Alternative varieties are then grafted onto the original tree and, after about a year during which time the grafts take and establish, you are left with a tree which has three or more varieties, all capable of producing fruit.

To enable good strong growth, we use a semi-dwarfing rootstock. Final height depends much on pruning and growing conditions but after about 7 years the trees will have reached a height and spread of 2 to 3 metres.