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When To Sow Flower Seeds

If you are unsure when to sow flower seeds – or what you can sow each month – look no further! Wondering what flower seeds to plant now? Check our monthly guide for which seeds to grow this month. Looking ahead? Browse our range below and plan ahead for your fabulous flower displays.

Flowers To Sow In September

Discover the best flowers to sow in September. the beginning of autumn is the best time to sow some of your favourite sp...
Discover the best flowers to sow in September. the...
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Flowers To Sow In February

Wondering which flower seeds to sow in February? It can prove a busy time of the year for gardeners as it’s time to make...
Wondering which flower seeds to sow in February? I...
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Flowers To Sow In March

Make sure you sow marigolds, sweet peas, delphiniums, and sunflowers now, along with a host of other lovely varieties of...
Make sure you sow marigolds, sweet peas, delphiniu...
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Flowers To Sow In April

Wondering which flower seeds to sow in April? It’s time to sow half-hardy flowers including nemesia, rudbeckia, Cosmos a...
Wondering which flower seeds to sow in April? It’s...
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Flowers To Sow In May

Wondering which flowers to sow in May? Now the soil is warming up, it’s the perfect time for sowing seeds such as primro...
Wondering which flowers to sow in May? Now the soi...
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Flowers To Sow In June

Wondering which flower seeds to sow in June? Sow alstroemeria, achillea, arabis, canterbury bells, coreopsis, erigeron, ...
Wondering which flower seeds to sow in June? Sow a...
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Flowers To Sow In July

Wondering which flowers to sow in July? Sowings can be made of aquilegia, campanula, coreopsis, delphinium, myosotis, pe...
Wondering which flowers to sow in July? Sowings ca...
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Flowers To Sow In August

Wondering which flower seeds to sow in August? For colourful pot plants indoors, sow the seeds of cactus, cyclamen and c...
Wondering which flower seeds to sow in August? For...
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Flowers To Sow In November

Wondering which flowers to Sow in November? It’s time to make early sowings of geraniums, plus nemesia and coleus. You c...
Wondering which flowers to Sow in November? It’s t...
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Flowers To Sow In December

Wondering which flowers to Sow in December? Even in the depths of winter sowings can be made of begonia, coleus, cyclame...
Wondering which flowers to Sow in December? Even i...
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Wondering when to sow flower seeds? There are plenty of flower seed varieties to inspire your garden during any month of the year, such as Marigolds in May, Antirrhinums in August and even non-stop Begonias and Coleus in December.

Start planning your patio pots, hanging baskets and borders – check when to sow flower seeds and order your seed today!

Growing veg seed as well? View our when to sow vegetable seeds guide.