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Antirrhinum (Snapdragon) Seeds

The Antirrhinum or Snapdragon is a real summer show stopper. Originally a real stalwart of parks departments, growing in big bedding displays this plant is enjoying a renaissance, being used in a variety of settings from containers to cottage style borders. 

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Why Grow Antirrhinum From Seed?

Plant Antirrhinum flowers freely through the garden as their intense colours will light up many different aspects of your outdoor space. Sutton’s delight in presenting a fantastic range from ‘Crackle & Pop mix’ with its mixed colours and lower growing height, makes it great for containers. To ‘Chuckles’, a mix of reds, pinks, yellows and whites. Or the fantastic ‘Day and night’, something a little bit different with its deep crimson flowers with a white base.

Growing Antirrhinum from Seed 

Treat Snapdragon flowers as a half-hardy annual, which means it needs growing in a protected environment until the danger of frost has passed.

It’s important when flowers are forming to deadhead, or they will set seed and flowers will stop blooming early. Antirrhinums can suffer from powdery mildew, so pick over any greying leaves. A Potash feed during mid-summer will encourage flowering.

How Long Do Antirrhinum Seeds Take To Germinate?

Antirrhinum seeds should germinate within 10-20 days. Transplant your seedlings 5 cm apart in seed trays and grow on. Gradually acclimatise the Antirrhinum plants to outside conditions before planting out 15cm apart in a sunny position.

Used as dot plants in groups of threes, surrounded by other lower bedding plants is a traditional way to grow heavy flowering summer plants. Antirrhinum are available in four varieties, the Dwarf Antirrhinum is ideal for Rockeries, Intermediate is ideal for cut flowers and taller varieties for the back of the border and trailing from hanging baskets. Antirrhinum naturally live in rocky areas so will take in a dry area. This is an easy plant to grow and is a great plant for children to grow.

Buy Antirrhinum Seeds (Snapdragon Seeds) UK