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Begonia Plants

Begonia plants provide floral flamboyance and are regular inhabitants of borders, hanging baskets and pots. You'll find a wide range of varieties and colours here to suit almost any planting scheme. Buy begonia plug plants for fabulous value and long-lasting vibrant blooms. Some begonia plants are also admired for their foliage and grown as house plants, so indoors or out they are by your side.

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Why Grow Begonias?

Begonia were named by Plumier, a French priest and botanist, who had discovered the flowers in the 17th century. He named them after Michel Begon who had organised a plant hunting exhibition to the West Indies on request of Louis XIV. Plumier seems to have started the trend for honouring others in plant naming as he also named the Fuchsia in this fashion.

Tuberous begonias make fantastic plants for pots or baskets. They are tender perennials so begonia tubers can be lifted and stored over winter for returning displays the following year. For powerful pots, try 'Expresso Sugar' - large pink and white blooms with crimped petals. 

Trailing begonia

Trailing begonia displayed in funky shades can be achieved by using 'Parisienne Trailing' - this also comes with a delicious scent. Flowering begonias can be very large and impressive on the tuberous types whether trailing or upright varieties are selected. Suttons offer many varieties of begonia plants for sale so you can take your pick.

Fibrous Begonia

The fibrous types are more likely to be seen in mass plantings in town centre beds. In pinks, whites and reds with glossy leaves, they are smaller plants treated as annuals, which suit perfectly formal bedding designs. They are one of the few bedding plants which perform well in shade and so ideal for a north facing garden. Our F1 Devon Gems Mix will have your borders blossoming in no time.

For some indoor begonia action, the Rex begonias are well-loved not for their flowers but for their jaw-dropping foliage. A popular houseplant, their large leaves display exquisite patterns of silver, green and dark maroon. 'Silver Spirit' has silver leaves with a dark central star and picotee edge. They like a bright spot out of direct sunlight and enjoy humid environments so make a good bathroom plant.

Surround yourself with begonias, both inside and out - you're bound to benefit!

Begonia Care - How to grow begonia plants 

Where should I plant Begonias?

How do I look after Begonias?