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All Season Strawberry Collection – double for 1p more!

Enjoy a bumper harvest of this ultimate summer fruit with our superb All Season Strawberry Plant Collection! Nothing beats fresh homegrown strawberries, and this sublime selection is hard to beat, bringing together four exceptional varieties chosen for their flavour, yields and range of ripening times to keep you supplied with tantalising fresh fruits all summer long. An absolute essential for the allotment or kitchen garden. Strawberries and cream, anyone?

Your All Season Strawberry Plant Collection comprises of 24 bare root plants, 6 of each of the following varieties: Strawberry 'Marshmello', Strawberry 'Malling Centenary', Strawberry 'Pegasus' and Strawberry 'Korona'.

24 Bare Root Plants £24.96 NOW £9.99!
48 Bare Root Plants £49.92 NOW £10 - Double up for ONLY 1p MORE!

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